A great deal of emphasis is placed these days on college education. In fact, many employers won’t even interview candidates who do not have a degree. However, the benefits of a college education go beyond getting better interviews. Accordingly, it’s not difficult to find plenty of reasons to attend college even though the expense of doing so is considerable. The reasons why a student attends college are often personal, but most people share at least a few motivating factors.
1. Learning How to Learn
Many employers prefer college graduates because degree holders tend to understand and appreciate the learning process. Whenever you start a new job, you are taking on new responsibilities in an unfamiliar environment. In many ways, there is a correlation between the first days at college and the first days at a new job. The fact that you have already earned a degree shows that you have previously taken on an enormous challenge and made a success out of the experience.
2. Dealing with Adversity
No matter how the economy is performing overall, college graduates tend to better weather the vicissitudes of an under performing market. Candidates with college degrees are almost always in greater demand than those without. Additionally, college graduates who are dealing with career adversity usually have better resources in place for getting back on their feet.
3. Better Earning Potential
Many studies have shown that college graduates earn more than people without degrees. Even if you only get as far as a two year degree, chances are quite good that you will easily out-earn someone who only holds a high school diploma.
4. Increased Chances for Advancement
People with college degrees are seen as goal oriented individuals who know how to get a job done. When this perception is coupled with plenty of on the job experience, promotions are bound to follow.
5. Learn Skills Before Employment
Many college programs allow students to explore an industry in depth before they are even employed. It’s a great opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge, but many students are able to go well beyond classroom experiences. Several degree programs enable students to work as interns with local companies. Time spent as an intern provides valuable hands on experience that gives a depth of knowledge that no amount of in classroom study can achieve. An internship is a chance to test drive a job and to start building a network of professional contacts.
6. Life Experience
Going to college grants students with an opportunity to get out on their own and make independent decisions. College invites the process of examining goals and desires while also learning valuable everyday skills like prioritization and time management. It’s far better to learn these skills in school rather than while on the job.
7. Secure Future Opportunities
A college degree can get you a better job and a higher salary, but it can assist you in other ways too. Once you’ve earned a four year degree, you’ve paved the way to go back to school to earn a graduate degree. It may not be something you’re even considering right now, but you may be very glad that you already hold a degree when a new interest develops.
8. Personal Satisfaction
Earning a degree is a major life goal. Accomplishing it will bring you tremendous personal satisfaction. It’s very empowering to conquer such a complex goal. You’ll feel like you can take on the world once you’ve achieved it.
9. Feeling a Sense of Power
People with college degrees don’t tend to feel that they are as much at the mercy of the world. They understand how systems work within society, government and the marketplace. As a result, they can critically examine the world around them and make informed decisions that will benefit them and their family.
10. Change the World
An education can help you transform yourself and the world around you. When you have new knowledge, you want to share it with friends and family. More information being shared with a majority of the population generally improves society and makes individuals conscious of the effect each person has on the world.
Alex Hudson is a technical advocate writing on a variety of topics including: property ID labels, product reviews, identification labels for tracking assets and business decisions.